Thursday, November 23

.::Important::. .::Diqqat::.

I have missed opportunity to notify you that you can leave comments in my blog! To do that you should press comments url under the post that you wish to comment and write your comments, in order to minimize spam comments i have added feature of word verification. I hope that it won't create any inconvinience! Also, please leave your names, i support the act that every one has the right to be confidetial, but for me it is more convinient to address you by your name.
Kamina bir muhim ma'lumotni sizlarga etkazishni yoddan kotaribdi. Blogimda o'z sharhingizni qoldirishingiz mumkin. Sharh qoldirish uchun sharh qoldirmoqchi bo'lgan ma'lumot yoki maqolani tagidagi comments linkini bosish kerak, faqat ortiqcha (bo'lar bo'mas gaplarni) kamaytirish uchun so'z tasdiqi funktsiyasini qo'shganman. Umid qilamanki bu funktsiya sizga hech qanday noqulayliklar tug'dirmaydi! Iltimos, sharh qoldirsangiz iloji boricha o'z ismlaringizni yozib qoldiring, har bir inson anonim bo'lishga haqqi bor deb oylayman, lekin man uchun sizni ismiz bilan murojat qilish ancha qulayroq.


Buzbek said...

Every one can leave a comment, there is no need for registration!

Anonymous said...

Nice one! Finally we can leave an uzbek comment.


Buzbek said...

Hmmm. Thank you for compliments...
I have an honour to introduce and promote an uzbek portal (in future)
Albatta, istagan paytda sharh yoki izoh qoldirishingiz mumkin. Sizlarga maslahatim portalini bir ko'zdan kechirish, kelajagi porloq portallardan :)