Monday, December 11

Guess who? - Kim ekan u?

If you want to know who visits your blog, you should just have an account in google and be registered in Google analytics. Then you should paste following script into Edit HTML function in Template setting tab.

[script src="" type="text/javascript"]
[script type="text/javascript"]
_uacct = "UA-1056963-1";

Do not forget to paste it at the bottom of the script before /body tag is written. Then you will enjoy the world of statistics about your blog :) Good luck!!!


Agar Blogizni kimlar va qaerdan ko'rishini bilishni istaysizmi? Yo'li juda oson, Googleda shahsiy qaydingiz bo'lsa bas. Google analyticsiga kirib, u erdan o'z blogizni ro'yhatga olishingiz kerak. Hamda Quyidagi scriptni yozib o'tishingiz kerak bo'ladi.

[script src="" type="text/javascript"]
[script type="text/javascript"]
_uacct = "UA-1056963-1";

Shundan so'ng siz blogingiz haqidagi barcha ma'lumotlarga ega bo'lasiz :). Blogizni rivojlantirishda sizga omad tilayman.

.::A little bit romance::. - .::Romantika::.

I love rain. I love romantic scenes. I love romantic scene in the rain.

Yomg'irni sevaman. Ozgina romantikaga hushim bor. Yomg'ir yog'gandagi visol paytlariga nima yetsin. Uzr sal bemazaroq post chiqqan bo'lsa. Kayfiyatim hozir shunaqa.

.::New 2007 Calendar::. - .::Yangi Yil Taqvimi::.

I really liked this calendar. So i am sharing it with you. It is in Russian, sorry could not find in english. To be continued...

Ushbu taqvim manga juda ham yoqdi, uzr Rus tilida. Uzbek tilidagisini topolmadim :)
Davomi bor...

Tuesday, December 5

.::.Small delay in posting.::. - .::. Tanaffus.::.

I had a small delay in posting messages due to some reasons. I will say them soon :)
Blogda sezgan bo'lsangiz ozgina tanaffus bo'ldi. Sabablarini yaqin kelajakda albatta shu erda yozib o'taman.